
What is this PGP Public key? PGP stands for Pretty Good Privacy, an excellent, public domain, software tool for ensuring privacy and security on the Internet (plus more). With PGP and my public key, you can encrypt any message (or file) and send it to me. Only I can decrypt your message because only I know the corresponding private key (aka “secret key”) for doing this decryption. The encryption cannot be broken by anybody else. This is the principle of what is known as public-key cryptography (PKC). PGP does many more things, in addition to PKC. The OpenPGP website has lots of very well-written tutorials on cryptography, and security. You can also download the PGP tool from this site.


There is a Linux version of PGP (GPG) available from In general, GPG comes with all standard Linux distributions. If you’re using Chrome or Firefox and a webmail service such as Gmail™, Yahoo™, and others, Mailvelope will make your life easier. If you’re using MS Windows, get Gpg4win. Thunderbird 78.2 and later includes built-in support for OpenPGP. A full software list for all platforms can be found here.

My public key

You can download my public key from Below you can see my key details. Contact me directly if you want to check its validity to be sure.

  • ID: 0xD1FA962D
  • Fingerprint: D757 75BE 2758 9839 C5E7 2230 CA54 6A95 D1FA 962D
  • Created: 11-Sep-2020
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